My Classroom Website

Jane Hancock

Sequoia Middle School

Computer Exploratory: 6th, 7th, 8th


Best ways to reach Mrs. Hancock if you have any questions:

1.  email:

2.  send a note with your student

3.  call and leave your name and phone number: 805-498-3617 x1108

Class Rules:

1.  Raise your hand for permission to speak.

2.  Respect people and property (please, no food or drinks, unless you have a health issue)

3.  Always do your best

4.  Treat others as you would like to be treated

If your student should choose to break a rule, all teachers at Sequoia follow the consequences outlined in the Assignment Notebook.

 Class Content:

keyboarding:  All The Right Type             For at home use, you might like to purchase Type to Learn, available at local stores

drawing/painting: Microsoft Paint

spreadsheet:  Microsoft Excel

page layout and publishing:  Microsoft Publisher

multimedia/presentations/animation: Microsoft Powerpoint

internet:  Internet Explorer

Grades:   10%=keyboarding; 85%=projects   5%=tests

98-100=A+        93-97=A        90-92=A-

87-89=B+          83-87=B        80-82=B-

77-79=C+          73-77=C        70-72=C-

67-69=D+          63-67=D       60-62=D-


Please note:  If you or your student needs a conference, please contact me (see above).  If your student needs to make up any projects or needs help completing a project, he/she can come in before school or after school.  My lab is open most days before and after school, unless I have a meeting or copying to do.